1 year ago

Iron Man (Tony Stark) - a billionaire industrialist who uses his high-tech suit of armor to fight crime and protect the world.
Captain America (Steve Rogers) - a super-soldier who fought in World War II and was frozen in ice for decades before being thawed out and joining the Avengers.
Thor - the god of thunder from Asgard who wields a mighty hammer and has incredible strength and durability.
Hulk (Bruce Banner) - a brilliant scientist who transforms into a giant, green-skinned monster when he becomes angry or agitated.
Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) - a skilled spy and assassin who has a background in espionage and martial arts.
Hawkeye (Clint Barton) - a highly skilled archer and marksman who is also a trained acrobat and martial artist.
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) - a powerful mutant with reality-warping abilities and energy projection.
Vision - an android created by the villainous Ultron who later joined the Avengers and developed a romantic relationship with Scarlet Witch.
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) - a teenager with spider-like abilities who was recruited to the Avengers in the comics and later in the MCU.
Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) - a former surgeon who becomes the Sorcerer Supreme and uses magic to protect the world.
There have been many other members of the Avengers over the years, including Ant-Man, Wasp, Falcon, War Machine, Black Panther, and more.

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