YouTube Defaults on Defamation and Genocide Charges

1 year ago

Had to Repost - because the earlier posting stopped playing on BitChute.
AntiMoney is Funded!
Joe Baker's RemedyReport for Monday Dec 21st 2020

Here's what Joe Baker typed into the reply box for YouTube's offer to receive an appeal from it's suspension of posting priviliges do to what YouTube alleged was "medical misinformation which violated community standards":

Notice of Appeal, objections and countercliam/tort for Defamation & offer of Constructive Forgiveness with deadline of Dec 20, 2020.

If you do no provide evidence to your claim by Dec 20, 2020 you will be in default and will be admitting that you are guilty of defamation of myself and the doctors in this video, that YouTube is part of a grand conspiracy to kill and harm millions of human beings through the vaccines.

I appraise my conditional forgiveness of YouTube’s damage against me and the human race at a value of 240 Quintrillion Dollars which upon your default will flow into ERC20 token AntiMoney.

To object you may transmit any small amount of Bitcoin to this address

Any other form of objection to this notice shall be deemed defective on it’s face.

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