What Meher Baba Really Taught: Part 12 (Summary of first 11 videos)

1 year ago

A summary of the previous 11 videos.

1. It is not true that Baba he had no teachings. He plainly did have teachings. In fact all Baba left us was his teaching.

2. Baba did not teach people to not try to understand him. Far from Baba discouraging people from attempting to understand his teachings, there are many quotes where he showed an importance for understanding.

“The gift of understanding is more precious than any other attribute of Love — be it expressed in service or sacrifice. Love can be blind, selfish, greedy, ignorant, but love with understanding can be none of these things. It is the Divine fruit of Pure Love, the rare fruit or flower of the Universe.” (Meher Baba, From "The Ocean of Love," by Delia DeLeon, p. 85)

“[I]t is helpful for my lovers to come together and think and talk about me, to discuss my teachings and messages, compare notes with each other and cooperatively try to come closer to me in understanding and spirit.” (Lord Meher, 1st USA ed, vol. 15 & 16, p. 5604) (Meher Baba, From "The Early History of the Ahmednagar Center," by Ward Parks, Meherana Messenger, 1995:2 p3)

3. Baba did not give an ascended master teaching where the world is governed by disembodied masters. “Not a single spiritual Master ever required any vehicle save his own physical body.” – The Silent Word, p262-263. Necromancy is a method of divination through invocation of the dead.

Baba teaches that the Avatar goes to State B of the 10 States of God. There he has experience of reality, but not of the illusion.

"When a Master dies he takes no further interest in the affairs of the gross world—not even a Christ. Hence those who imagine that a 'dead' Master is responding to their prayers or watching them, are wrong.” (Meher Baba, From "Glow International," Summer 2012, p. 8)

4. Baba does not teach monotheism, but rather theistic monism. There is only God.

“Even to say, There is one God is wrong. God is so infinitely One that He cannot even be called One. One may only say, One IS.” and “God is that 'One' playing innumerable roles.” (Meher Baba From "The Everything and the Nothing," p. 91)

5. Baba does not teach that God created the world. Baba said it was created by our imagination. “Who says God has created the world? We have created it by our imagination. . . When we say He has created this illusion, we lower Him and his infinity. He is beyond all this.” (Meher Baba, From "Lord Meher," 1986 print edition, p. 4097)

The world is a by-product of the evolution of consciousness. (Meher Baba, "God Speaks," 1973 2nd edition, pp. xxxi)

6. Baba did not teach the Big Bang or a “Big Ooz.” The Om Point corresponds to the Place and Moment of the Big Bang. The Om Point is not a place. It is the point of perception from which the illusion of places (and all other illusory qualities) falsely appear to arise.

7. Baba did not teach Darwinian evolution, which is a physical theory that relies on chance and lucky accidents. Baba’s Advancing Stream of Life corresponds to Darwinian evolution, and they are compatible. Baba’s evolution is an evolution of consciousness only. The illusory evolution of biological forms is its byproduct.

8. That the world is an illusion is not a mere magical claim that relies on faith. It can be thought through and grasped by the human mind. In fact it is the theoretical ‘real world’ that requires faith.

It still remains a scandal to philosophy . . . that the existence of things outside of us . . . must be accepted merely on faith, and that, if anyone thinks good to doubt their existence, we are unable to counter his doubts by any satisfactory proof.
(Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, 1781)

9. Baba did not teach that God is consciousness. God has the capacity for consciousness. Consciousness is not even conceivable in the most original 1st State of the 10 States of God, according to Baba.

10. Baba did not teach transmigration of the soul. Reincarnation as Baba teaches it has nothing to do with transmigration of the soul, which Baba’s biographer C.B. Purdom said is a crude fantasy. (The God-Man, p. 422)

11. Baba did not teach that people need a personal relationship with a master after he dies. To give the opportunity for such a relationship with God is the purpose of the Avatar taking flesh.

This 23-part series “What Meher Baba Really Taught” was recorded in Myrtle Beach, SC from February 14 to May 28, 2023.

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