barter system relies on communication, honesty and trust

1 year ago

bullshit right here, so annoying
the last time i did that i got honked at and knew i deserved it n drove away shamefully
oh hey, there's that cookie
high quality content ALWAYS
hey look at that couch on the side of the road
‏i rearranged everything in my house
personal pride is stupid and here's why...
yes we love the fuck outta trader joes
i could tell you were thinkin about it bitch
defensive and offensive driver, nobody knows how to be a man
marveling at all the work that took me years to do
i happened to notice what looks like a leak in my ceiling *it's from my gutter
i don't believe in smart phone technology
barter system goin on always
humans trusting other humans is out
i don't wanna bother them cos they're too obsessive about everything
my parents taught me how to lie by omission
confetti-brained over here
you don't need to finish this sentence, just let this one go
even if the one you're talkin shit about totally deserves it...
mr. theron is so right about me
my longer videos/comedy sets are better
weed bars are where it's at apparently
zanies won't take me hahaha
i'd rather be weird is all
why is turning right so difficult
it will always be the God-forsaken little things

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