"He Who Controls the Weather Will Control the World"

1 year ago

“He Who Controls the Weather Will Control the World”
May 25, 1961 President JFK said and I quote “We shall purpose further cooperative effort between all the nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control”. In 1962 Vice President LBJ said and I quote “It lays the predicate and the foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather and he who controls the weather will control the world”. What was a conspiracy theory 50 years ago is a reality today. The Air Force is on record as saying they want to control the weather by 2025, but it’s not just the Air Force that’s in on it. This video shows the other reason for the so called chemtrails though some chemtrails are caused by real planes most of them are not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQYzB_THQww&t=294s

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