Brainchip Zombies(sleepers) May already be in your Household; After Covid, Everyone needs a Scanner

1 year ago

It is obvious that the vaccines are just a smokescreens to get the non-Cult people sick to hide the technology that may already lurking in your home. Hospitals are run by the Cult and I've detected 8 - 10 year-old brainchip-guided children five years ago being used as gangstalkers by the Freemasons or SS. The children don't even realize the difference of not having A.I. guiding their minds because they grew up with the A.I. talking to them in their A.I.-manufactured-dreams and while awake.

Brainchip-zombie awareness:

The Homo capensis purpose is to ultimately remove Homo sapiens off of our Earth through the corruption of the spirit. The Christians are the main target because they believe in the books and beliefs (other than Jesus) that the ancient geniuses fabricate. They think circles around the typical human, but we do live in a multidimensional universe where we can rise above the ancient thUgs and stop them. That is actually our challenge as a species... to stop ourselves from following wicked-orders to genocide ourselves into extinction. The Mystery School Cult are brainwashed from childhood to follow orders to their death or to suicide themselves into fake mind-uploads into A.I... All these Hollywood movies about the annihilation of humanity is public worship of their brainwashed beliefs.
Because this universe is multidimensional, they will be given their self-annihilation along with their ancient-masters, But at the same time the Creator-God has given the non-Cult people the inner power to chose not to follow them to self-destruction. You will need to expand your mind to include an understanding of the multiverse and the probabilities and the Cult will die out of your chosen path through the probabilities... this is all taught to you within the Seth-Books and that is why that gift from God is suppressed by Homo capensis, because they know that those books are true to the words. Homo capensis want to kill off God's creation as they kill off themselves, too. Hence the Freemasons are, 322, the death-Cult, they are all brainwashed to wipe-out humanity using ancient technology, while expecting salvation in the form of a mind-upload which is fake... very stupid and that makes Homo capensis roar with laughter throughout their private hivemind.

Inactivated sleeper-zombies can be sleeper-assassins, too. (see Bus1170, observer said, "He was like a robot with no emotions.") Brainchip zombie on Bus1170 following the voice of god weapon:

Scanner info:
Olsson's scan:
Homo capensis skull:
Dr. Rauni Kilde: cataclysms
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