20230326 The 9/11 WarRoom

1 year ago

New 9/11 News

1.) How to look up 9/11 News

Google News "9/11 Truth" in the last 7 days

Google News "9/11 Conspiracy" in the last 7 days

Google News "9/11" AND "conspiracy" in the last 7 days (some false positives)

Google News "9/11" in the last 7 days (many false positives)


2.) Where was Ron DeSoros, I mean Ron DeSanctimonious, I mean Ron DeSantis during 9/11?

3.) GOP committee chair says he can't control Marjorie Taylor Greene
HIT PIECE by Travis Gettys (@wireccan) March 21, 2023

"In addition to her history of spouting QAnon conspiracy theories, Greene has also questioned whether the Pentagon was really attacked during the 9/11 terrorist attacks..."

4.) 3/22/23 — Rand Paul Puts Forward Amendment To Repeal Of 9/11 Authorization For War

5.) 3/22/23 — Exclusive: FBI Agents Accuse CIA of 9/11 Coverup
By: Seth Hettena

"The revelations were found in a 21-page court document filed in 2021 at the Guantanamo Bay naval base in Cuba where the cases of the 9/11 defendants are being heard. The document was on the public docket, but went unreported because it was completely redacted except for an unclassified marking. Spytalk obtained an unredacted copy. "

6.) 3/23/23 — FBI Agents Accuse CIA Of 9/11 Cover-Up In Dramatic Court Bombshell
By: Douglas Montero

7.) Join Us From Home: RichardGage911 Austin Speaking Tour / 3 Events / April 2-6, 2023 / Earlybird Livestream Discount

We tell you all about the upcoming Austin presentations activities in this short video!

Dennis Kucinich and Tulsi Gabbard are the keynote speakers.
Dennis Kucinich Report: https://denniskucinich.substack.com/
Tulsi Gabbard speaking at the Weaponization Committee: https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1623758322242564096?s=20

8.) Robert Kennedy Jr tells Jimmy Dore anthrax was mailed to the two senators trying to block the Patriot Act in 2001, and the FBI discovered that the anthrax came from the CIA lab in Fort Detrick:

"By the time they figured it out, they had already passed the Patriot Act, and we were in a trillion-dollar war in Iraq. What did the FBI say? The FBI said it was Ames anthrax, and the only place that it could have come from was the CIA lab in Fort Detrick.

It's clear that somebody associated with the Pentagon or the CIA had something to do with that anthrax because nobody had access except those groups."

9.) 3/26/23 Richard Gage Interview — 9/11 Patsies: 20 Years of Terror in GTMO – Linda Forsythe, Citizen Journalist, C-VINE.com

10.) 3/14/23 — SY HERSH asked about 9/11 at the National Press Club, Washington DC

CARL GOLOVAN: And this is very brief briefly, a follow up to a question I asked you at your last uh committee for the Republic event. I was a uh secondary 9/11 responder as us customs agent, uh specifically sifting the rubble of World Trade Center 7 an anomaly which refutes the official narrative of 9 11. Tucker Carlson just appeared on the show Redacted and he went, spoke about World Trade Center 7and asked why, why is it we can't talk about the way that building came down that it doesn't fit uh any uh official narrative? And uh I would ask you to please uh follow up on that. Thank you.

SY HERSH: Well, uh uh uh half the mail I get is about 9/11 again and the other half is about the JFK assassination. So, you know, it's just, I mean, I don't know, where do you begin? Building 7 is, is, is a big hotwire for a lot of people. I can't, you know, I'm happy with my little conspiracy now that I'm into what you really want to get. I just...

CARL GOLOVAN: I have text for you Laurent Guyénot, The Unspoken Kennedy Truth which...

SY HERSH: There you go. I'll take it. I promise. I'll read it. Excuse me. I, I promise I'll read it. I'll read all that stuff. I will tell you no problem. I will tell you that if - this is you are he? -


SY HERSH: I will tell you that there is stuff I'm gonna write about something, there is stuff that has, has not been released by the, uh, the Warren Commission. And it, it's really scary what they, what they did some of the stuff they withheld. It's a great story. I'm not ready to write it yet. I'm too busy with this other one. I'm gonna stick with this one.

CARL GOLOVAN: Bless you. Thank you.

SY HERSH: No, don't bless me. Are you kidding? I, I take it, I want more than blessing. I want police protection.


11.) Planning is underway for the NFPA CONFERENCE & EXPO
LAS VEGAS, NV June 19-23, 2023 Mandalay Bay Convention Center

Last year was a success with the Boston NFPA Conference.

12.) MEME
Lizard named Lieutenant Dan


17:06:56 From Myles Flaig : Seymour Hersh responds to WTC7

00:36:30 In the Q&A, a question segues from Nord Stream to 9/11 as also a controlled demolition.

Consortium News (March 14, 2023) Seymour Hersh National Press Conference
[video fike] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/live/LbYRcVF8frc?feature=share

The Greyzone (March 17, 2023) The Grayzone Never Forgets …. [video fike] Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/live/6DqKnMRRNdA?feature=share

Max Blumental and Aaron Maté chuckle about WTC7 being asked of Sy Hersh at the March 14 National Press Conference:

17:24:28 From Jason Kelley : Forest Gump - Lt. Dan
17:25:18 From Joshua Shoenfeld : https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Pg.-291-Pgs.-287-293-JW-v-DOD-and-State-14-812-DOD-Release-2015-04-10-final-version11.pdf
17:35:07 From Ross Migrating Bird : https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/tim-cahill-new-hampshire-old-man-of-the-mountain-9-11-video/
17:35:45 From Ross Migrating Bird : Re Jury Duty.....
17:46:31 From Ross Migrating Bird : Your Honor, officers, of the court, and potential jurors I can not participate in this courts proceedings as its most fundamental tenet " to tell the truth and nothing but the truth " is not always allowed. This as I 've seen a most important issue of controlled demolition being used at the WTC on 9-11 not be allowed to be petitioned by our courts. Therefore, I can not serve this court with any good conscience.
17:48:36 From Ross Migrating Bird : You can write this or speak it out loud..when asked if you know any reason why you cannot serve....
18:09:56 From Myles Flaig : I have to leave . See you next weekend 🐿
18:43:16 From Ray Kraaijenhagen : https://csaballoons.com/custom-balloons-in-boston/
18:52:16 From Ray Kraaijenhagen : biodegradable, natural latex,
18:59:19 From Sandra Jelmi : http://www1.ae911truth.org/en/news-section/41-articles/216-building-code-changes-adopted-a-month-after-nist-wtc-7-report.html
19:29:01 From Gene Laratonda : Adam Fitz video critiquing 911WR discussion of sprinklers


The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion of 9/11 focusing on news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.
Gene Laratonda

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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