Daily Chess play - 1296 - Should have won Game 2 as well

1 year ago

First game, Even game until opponent blunders or purposely killed their Bishop on d3, move 41. This allowed me to take pawns but then he sacrificed his Rooks so I thought he was going to resign but he kept playing until I checkmated him.

Second game, Even trades and I end up with a pawn up but I mess up and get a draw.

Third game, Even game until I get a pawn fork on f3, move 25 but I did sacrifice my Knight on g5 for 2 pawns and a Bishop. I also pin the Knight with Queen to g5. I then pin the same Knight with Bishop on e4. I bring my Rook in for checkmate but opponent doesn't or can't block it.

Should have won game 2 as well =). Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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