Wholesale Treason: The Iron Will Report for the week of March 31st

1 year ago

In this week’s Iron Will Report:
• Gates Donates Hundreds of Millions to Media
• Governor General’s 100K per day Travel Costs
• Trudeau Appoints Crony Investigator…Again
• 198 Canadian Companies Blacklisted in Government Email to Banks
• Wholesale Treason: The Leftist Sellout of Canada

And in the Member’s Version at IronWillReport.com:
• They Won’t Shut Down the Internet…or Maybe They Will
• Another Climate Alarmist Dilemma: Greenland Ice Cores
• Eco-Cult Leader Guilbeault Blows 1.8 Mil at Non-Green Resort
• The Next Virus Scare Revealed by Big Pharma
• ‘Turbo’ Testicular Cancers: Dr. William Makis
• McDonald’s Partners with U.S. Government to Push mRNA
• A State Law Criminalizing mRNA Injections
• Canada Pays More for Shots than Any Other Nation
• The Woke Cancel Fun in Regina

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