Article Video - The Last American President - Friday, March 31, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Last American President - Friday, March 31, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

The last man to officially serve as President of our American Federal Republic, was Franklin Pierce, who was the 14th President thereof. The last man to serve as the actual American President, that is, The President of The United States of America, our Federation of organic States, was a black man named Charles Wilson, the Great-Grandson of George Washington's Aide de Camp.

After that, all focus shifted to Territorial politics and Territorial "Presidents" like Franklin Pierce's Successor, James Buchanan, a hard-drinking Bar Attorney, and his immediate Successor, Abraham Lincoln, another Bar Attorney.

Buchanan set a precedent that Lincoln took advantage of; both men knew that they could not serve as American Presidents, nor as Presidents of the Federal Republic, thanks to the 1819 Ratification of the Titles of Nobility Amendment and its addition to the Federal Republic Constitution: that is, The Constitution for the united States of America.

So they served as Presidents of the Territorial (District of Columbia) Government instead, a distinction that many Americans were totally unaware of then or now. The Territorial Government presides over the District of Columbia Territory and is a Municipal Corporation styling itself as a democracy since 1801.

This is the entity that Donald J. Trump was the 45th President of and that's why they describe him as "President of the United States of America" instead of "President of the United States" --- Joe Biden's equally foreign Municipal Corporation office.

My point to Americans and everyone else worldwide is that these Municipal commercial "services" corporations are not our government.

They are Subcontractors of our actual government ---at best, and the evidence we've examined indicates that they are nothing but run amok Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia, trying to assert that they are "Successors" to our Constitutional Contracts without the nicety of fulfilling and honoring those contracts.

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