RI Rep. Sherry Roberts Questions Teacher Of The Year Ms. Paiva On Sexual Scenarios And Consumables In HealthSmart Workbook. Ms. Paiva Didn't Know The Workbook.

1 year ago

Rhode Island State Rep. Sherry Roberts engages in a discussion with Ms. Paiva on the workbook called HealthSmart during a House Education committee hearing on four bipartisan bills. Ms. Paiva is Providence 2022-23 Teacher of the Year.

During this exchange, she was questioned on the use of consumable in-class assignments from a HealthSmart workbook. This workbook contains questionable in class assignments with sexual scenarios not meant to make their way home to be seen by parents. Ms. Paiva claims to be current on matter but had no knowledge of the HealthSmart workbook.

Rep. Roberts showed grave concerns over the overarching curriculum that would subject the entire class(es) with adult themed subject matter that could trigger some students who experience abuse at home. Rep. Roberts warns that using such materials isn’t necessary and best left to a license professional at the discretion of parents.

The reasonable suggestions by Rep. Roberts clearly did not register with Ms. Paiva who went back to the boiler plate talking points made in her original testimony.

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