Rev. 1 Men's subjective truth & pseudo-science doesn't work, they show us how we need Jehovah.

1 year ago

Revelation Chapter One
We are in the last days of the kingdoms of men, the Roman apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3 away from the ways of men.
Satan, the demon, the antichrist, while pretending to be Elohim, has been lying to us, convincing us that Christ does not have all authority and that men's ways are superior to Jehovah's ways Isa. 55:8ff; Eph. 3:20.
So we, like Job have believed that Satan was Jehovah, it is why we have suffered under the ways of men, and it's time for us to consider the 40 questions that the Lord asked in Job 38:1ff. Where were we, when the Lord created the heavens and the earth or set up space weather that will destroy the world in 2065 AD?
Satan has convinced us that money is not a root of evil but is necessary to acquire all we can in any way we can. Men believe we are smart enough to decide who lives and dies when we all have our thumbs on the scales of justice Jer. 10:23. Men's roles in the scheme of redemption were to show that we need the ways of Elohim and agape love. We live by the sword in the kingdoms of men and if we continue there we will die by the sword Rev. 18:4; Matt. 7:21ff.
We have not been able to understand why the Lord would tell the rich young ruler to sell what he had and give it to the poor. We couldn't comprehend how the meek will inherit the new heaven and the new earth and that the same fire, space weather, that will destroy the world with all unrepentant evil men will be the same space weather that will create a new heaven and new earth for the righteous Matt. 5:5; Eph. 2:7; 2 Pet. 3.

Christ is once again wielding the Sword of the Spirit in these last days, end times, or the Christian race with the prize set before us as the second coming of Christ in about 2065 AD.
In chapter one of Revelation, we are reintroduced to the Sword of the Spirit, or Revelation unsealed, as Elohim once again begins to restore or grant to us the wisdom from above Rev. 5:1ff; James 1:5: 3:15. Consider now that we can now start beginning to understand the sermon on the mount Matt. 5:23-7, revelation, and the whole Bible which is not of private interpretation 2 Pet. 3:20. The Lord has hidden His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible so there could be free moral agency and so that Satan could rule over this world.

The time is at hand when one is blessed/happy in reading, understanding, and obeying the words of this prophecy Rev. 1:3.
He who testifies these things says, yes: I am coming soon! Amen: come, Lord Jesus. Rev. 22:20.

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