The Wilderness: God's unique way of equipping Kingdom leaders.

1 year ago

Speaker: brother David Kam, CTM, RN, BSc, MBA, GCD.

Hosted by Upper Room Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), brother Reggie Lee, Daniel & Teresa Gan, 31st March 2023 Shabbat service, 8 pm to 10.10 pm.

The word for Wilderness in Biblical Hebrew is Midbhar, spelt as מִדְבָּר. (source: Strong's Hebrew #4057).

What many don't see if you're not a student of Biblical Hebrew is the obvious word almost hidden in plain sight, i.e. the word DAVAR, which is spelt as דָּבַר in Biblical Hebrew (a tri-consonantal word).

Let's recap:

- so far, you've noted the word for Wilderness is MIDBHAR (מִדְבָּר)
- The word Midbhar contains another word, Davar (דָּבַר)which is spelt with the 3 alephbets, Dalet/ד, Bet/ב and Resh/ר.

So, here's the insight:

It is in the wilderness (or midbhar) that YHWH speaks His Words (Davar) to you, providing you with direction, specificities to fulfill the mission for the days ahead. Throughout the entire Counsel of YHWH, we have many examples of those whom HE called, who spent much time in the Midbhar - for example, Moses, Abraham, Elijah, Apostle Paul.

Deuteronomy 8:2 provide the context to the Wilderness training that our Creator allow His generals to go through. Even Yeshua/Christ was led by the Holy Spirit into the Wilderness (in Greek, it's ερημος, Strong's Greek #2048, Eremos).

Additional commentary on Wilderness, by Abarim Publications, referenced & acknowledged for this use:

"The Hebrew word for wilderness is מדבר (midbar) and derives from the root דבר (dabar), meaning "word" or science; its Greek equivalent is the familiar concept of Logos, which is the unified summing up of the whole of natural law (compare ROMANS 1:20 to COLOSSIANS 1:16). The Biblical image of a wilderness is also not an inert sandy desert, as Hollywood curiously demands, but simply an uncultivated landscape where water flows and fruits grow freely but where also lions prowl and shelter is sparse.

It's actually quite common for folks who hold truth dearer than anything to break with received wisdom and dart off into the uncharted wild. So common, even, that entire communities have always existed outside the mainstream, with their own narrative currencies, histories and concerns. Famous escapees from established dogma who settled in those rogue communities are Moses (Exodus 3:1), David (1 Samuel 23:14), Elijah (1 Kings 19:4), and of course John the Baptist (MATTHEW 3:1) and Jesus of Nazareth (MATTHEW 4:1).

"Calling upon the name of YHWH" or pursuing of knowledge of the Creator by looking at creation is nearly as old as humanity (Genesis 4:26) and although the Temple of YHWH is the apex of human civilization, it's unfortunately not immune to corruption (see Jeremiah 7:11, MATTHEW 21:13, and read our article on Annas), and a stint in the wilderness is always a tempting option.

Particularly the prophet Isaiah had quite a few famous things to say about the wilderness. He foresaw an invader come from the desert (21:1) but also saw the desert bloom and produce fruit and cause celebration and gladness (35:1), and even rallied the people of the desert to pave the way for the complete revelation of the Creator (40:3). Deeply desiring truth while Big Money controls all temples, churches, universities and media outlets is a massively frustrating position (HEBREWS 11:38), but now with the Internet and particularly with crypto-currencies, the rogue scholars of the world have never had greater opportunities to band up, and while the heedless jet set is licking its greasy fingers, rogue tribes are transforming from doling nomads to thriving emirates and will very soon bring to fall our world's most abominable evil empire (REVELATION 18:2).", source:
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