Do not care if my videos offends anyone!!

1 year ago

If my videos offends anyone I really do not care at all, John the Baptist offended people, Jesus did to, and the apostles, Stephen, Paul, Jesus is not tolerate at all and He doesn't forgive everyone, only those who accept Him are forgiven, even those who go to church all the time and never accepted Jesus well they are still sinners and not protected by Jesus blood at all, Jesus even said that many will say to Him, Lord Lord did we not preach in the streets and drive out demons and Jesus will say I never knew you depart from Me!! Jesus is not tolerate at all and hates the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors they are in danger of going to hell, you can't have one foot in heaven and hell it doesn't work that way, you are either for Jesus or for Satan and no middle ground!! There will be no middle ground in the tribulation period at all, churches will be destroyed, bibles, crosses, the antichrist will get rid of everything about God as fast as he can, it will one world government and religion and the false Catholic pope Francis is the false prophet he will be the henchman of the one world religion and the antichrist will control everything, it is not a game anymore, games are over and thousands will be gone and those left behind will go through the tribulation period, it will be hell on earth and God will punish the wicked and make them pay and suffer!! Outside are the dogs those who practice sexually immorality, drunkards, gamblers, liars, adulterers, murderers, those who love magic art's, thieves, abusers, and all who love and practice falsehoods, there will be terrible times in the last days people will be arrogant, haughty, boastful, proud, jealous, lover of money, lover's of self, abusive, drunkards, gamblers, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self control, brutal, not lover's of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lover's of God, having a form of godliness but denying it's power have nothing to do with them

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