FANATICISM & FEAR! A Response to Pastor & Professor Dr. Isaac Olatunji's BIZARRE Rant!

1 year ago

The Catholic Church is reading Ellen G. White? Watered-down, confused Seventh-Day Adventist's? The Mark of the Beast? In quite the rant regarding the Vatican and a woman waking up to the doctrinal errors of Adventism, pastor of State Line SDA Church (@statelinesda2193) and Oakwood University professor Dr. Isaac Olatunji (@ProjectLatterRain) showcases the heart of true Adventism—fanaticism, fear and paranoia. Three former Adventist's respond to this bizarre meltdown to help Christian's see how official Seventh-Day Adventist belief and teaching manifests itself in behavior.

Panelists: Myles Christian, Pastor EJ Lauriston (@PastorThunder) and CMB the Ambassador (@cmbtheambassador5773)

Videos in review:
Part 1:
Part 2:

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