Enchanted Escapades 🌳 - beats to chill/study/relax to

1 year ago

Enchanted Escapades 🌳 - beats to chill/study/relax to

1. Chris Mazuera x Tender Spring - Abundance
2. Chris Mazuera x Tender Spring - First Snow
3. Chris Mazuera x Tender Spring - Perspective
4. Chris Mazuera - Dozing
5. Comodo - Numb
6. Cosmic Koala x Lucid Keys - Aereda
7. Cosmic Koala x Lucid Keys - Beautiful Days
8. Cosmic Koala x Lucid Keys - Bricta
9. Cosmic Koala x Lucid Keys - Brigit
10. Cosmic Koala x Lucid Keys - Fairy Tales

- Beats Provided by Lofi Girl
- Watch: https://www.youtube.com/@LofiGirl
- Listen: https://open.spotify.com/user/chilledcow
- Artwork: upklyak on Freepik - https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/cartoon-nature-landscape-with-mountain-forest-deciduous-trees-trunks-clearance_10385782.htm#query=lofi%20enchanted&position=7&from_view=search&track=ais

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