How to Understand the Trump Indictment as a Conservative

1 year ago

We Don’t Have to Live w/ the Biden Sewer Potatoes Any Longer, It’s Time to Break Free

Finally, Trump was indicted as he predicted. But now what to do? Rioting is senseless when the GOP has congressional power and while the Senate is in GOP reach. But how to interpret the latest lies and indignities against President Trump? It’s time to pray and know that justice will prevail as conservatives build good strategy while not panicking but staying the course.

Augustine "Law that is not just, is not actually a law" –
Nam mihi lex esse non videtur, quae justa non fuerit

Deep Frustrations: Knowing the deeply felt frustration in you is also shared across our Nation by tens of millions of good people is certain since this process has been wildly unfair. To treat an individual as uniquely evil such that we must create new law to prosecute them is, itself, lawless. Then, to bully Trump to keep him from being reelected is craven, revealing boundless fear. Now, since Trump is already ahead in the polls it’s election tampering. And they’ve been doing this kind of crazy scheming since Donald ran, then was elected in 2016

An Indictment Not a Conviction: So, as Alan Dershowitz says, indictments are easy – you can even indict a ham sandwich. But what’s worrisome is that in New York they're so crazy they will convict a ham sandwich. But, right now it’s just an accusation, a prosecution.

DA Bragg Rejects rule of Law: Understand that despite the way this case reveals the creation of law itself by the DA Bragg, a prosecutor does not make the law – he merely applies it.Legislators pass laws that prosecutors then fit to pre-existing crimes. So Alvin Bragg already violated his oath to follow the Constitution and honor the Rule of Law & Separation of Powers. This sideshow case is a travesty of justice.

Aquinas: Unjust Law No Law: Any prosecution must pass the Bill of Rights, which this doesn’t. Therefore, it is not proper law. See Aquinas:

Thomas Aquinas exhaustively examines the legitimacy of man-made laws and whether they should be obeyed, in Summa Theologica. He asks "do man-made laws have to be obeyed?" His answer is no; a law only needs be obeyed if it is legitimate in three ways: 1. The Purpose: The law must be for the common good. 2. The Author: It must be in the scope of the authority making the law. 3. The Form: And its burden should be equal and apply to all.

False Prosecution Helps Trump & proves his points that the entire system is broken. So don't take it personally, don't get hurt, don't get wounded. Contra, feel free to share your opinion with anybody who asks and who knows you're a conservative and encourage others to take part in the political system. Let’s start building up our war chest for the GOP because in 2024 it's quite likely we will win the presidency and the Senate and have the house. Then we can really start cleaning up the sewer that's been built by the Democrats to force the rest of us to live in. Because we're not going to live in their toxic waste any longer.
Now, consider MLKJr.:

MLK: Consider what Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote about unjust laws from Birmingham jail:

“One may well ask: ‘How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?’ The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’

“Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.”

Marxist Tools: Ponder the fact that misuse of the law to persecute others by dishonest prosecution is highly unethical and illegal. Alvin Bragg therefore must himself be investigated for his campaign promise to harass Trump and then his illegal creation of new laws. And since NY City itself is corrupt, this prosecution must be led by US Fed Prosecutors. If not, then law is just another tool of Marxist revolutionaries. Never forget, Marxism at its core is Nihilism, or LAWLESS!!

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