31Mar23 Violent Insurrections in State Capitals by Leftists; Trump Indicted But Not For His REAL CRIMES

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OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

RESTRICT Act: Lindsey Graham, Co-Sponsor, Doesn't Know What's In It — Do YOU?
Ban TikTok? RESTRICT Act? Josh Hawley's bill gives the dangerous RESTRICT Act cover. WATCH Lindsey Graham who doesn't even know what he signed on to when he supported the horrible RESTRICT Act. And the first target will be crypto, then everything else on the internet. 3:01

Massive student protest takes over Tennessee state capital in what Democrats would call an "insurrection". But state police keep their cool and composure under assault and battery as the radicals demonstrate their hatred 20:21

LGBT head of large teachers union demands complete gun confiscation — just so you know where the kids are getting indoctrinated 25:59

Kentucky state capital taken over by LGBT radicals demanding children be given to them to harm 27:20

Minneapolis "Gender Fair" at elementary school. A "doctor" seeking children to mutilate says kids as early as 3 yrs old "know the gender categories" and are "explaining to their parents" that they're in the wrong bodies 39:40

Violent attack on pro-lifers at a university in Virginia 47:15

Title: EU: Jail for Talking About Christian Conversion LGBT are "shock troops" for Christian persecution. The first, but not last, country in EU to criminalize discussion of "conversion therapy" has charged former homosexual Christian for talking about his conversion. WATCH what he has to say: No, therapy — just Christ. 52:09

Democrat in Congress says "preachers" are "waging a vicious crusade against" children — 2 days after a trans killed a preachers 9 yr old child 1:05:39

NPR, RuPaul and the lies gaslighting America 1:07:49

Title: State Bill to Block Fed's Digital Money Tyranny CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, is the endgame of global tyranny — total surveillance and control through digital currency of central banks. A bill in Florida seeks to block it. A plan for a publicly owned state bank in Tennessee seeks to transcend it. 1:56:58

Donald Trump Indicted — or as he typed on social media: "indicated" (sic) 1:15:52

Trump is getting close to forcing a judge to put a gag order on him because of his vitriolic rants against the district attorney. His real legal jeopardy is a perjury trap or contempt of court. 1:21:50

Buffalo guy freed same day Trump indicted. How's that for irony? 1:41:11

Why did the Trump organization suddenly fire its jailed money man’s lawyer? 1:45:04

What’s happening with oil producing companies and the oil industry. 1:52:48

State Bill to Block Fed's Digital Money Tyranny CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, is the endgame of global tyranny — total surveillance and control through digital currency of central banks. A bill in Florida seeks to block it. A plan for a publicly owned state bank in Tennessee seeks to transcend it. 1:56:58

Saudi Arabia first, now Brazil move to trade with China outside of the US petrodollar 1:58:19

INTERVIEW Evidence Snowballs Against Jabs Desc: There are things you can do to guard your health even if vaccinated and new medical institutions are springing up. The Vaccine Damage Project joins the mountain of data against the jab. Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, MD (author, JoelsHirschhorn.substack.com and "Pandemic Blunder" https://bit.ly/3M7rTVz). 2:06:28

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