Mission 0: AWAKENING (S Rank) | Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

1 year ago

Difficulty: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This stage is pretty straight forward, you’ll be directed through it by the in-game narrative.

1. Once you're able to walk be careful not to be seen by the helicopter when you sneak and run down the hallway
2. Hiding under the hospital beds during the patient execution scene is pretty simple, Just crawl and hide under the bed when the guard isn't looking
3. When you’re playing dead with the bodies on the floor don’t move an inch once you’ve got into your position
(When you're given a handgun don't swap it out for the submachine gun unless your suppressor breaks, because the handgun's aim is more precise for headshots)
4. When you make it out to the hospital lobby area try not to be seen or shoot anybody, just scoot down off the drop-off on your right and stealth your way towards the entrance by crawling along the ground
5. When The Man On Fire shows up don’t bother attacking him just get outta there immediately by heading for the Exit again
6. When you’re being chased on horseback by The Man On Fire fend him off with the shotgun but try to time your shots so you don’t run out of ammo too fast and don’t let him get too close or execute his fire attacks

- Complete the mission under 30 minutes
- No Retries (15000pts)
- No Alerts (15000pts)
- Don’t Let The Man On Fire Attack You (5000pts)

📱 Follow me on IG @ninja_syrup

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