homeless perspective

1 year ago

Without a family safety net . It sucks . All homeless ppl have families who dont give a crap about them. Some ppl shouldn't have kids. Started off at a disadvantage and i pulled out but a few incidents without a safety support network end in a situation u cannot escape. Mentally its hard. Can run all the calculations variables and variations and i always come up with the same result

Humanity is gone society will fall bc of this. Cascading effect. Chain breaks at the weakest point and it causes systemic Cascading failures till collapse.

Stats are wrong. Issue is far worse. Stats are recorded by cases social workers have.

My case closed bc " they cannot help me they have no resources ".

So if 70% are not recorded. Multiple the number yourselfs.

Millions. Humiliation shame embarrassment stigma and the fact that no actual help is available makes homeless as big of a fraud as covid vaccines.

Cooked numbers. Fake help that actually makes things worse. Breaks ppl more.

Its all done on purpose

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