ALL THINGS NESARA/GESARA/QUANTUM/FINANCIAL - Seeking Truth Always - Live Podcast - 3/30/23

1 year ago

This podcast is longer than usual! You'll see it's WELL WORTH IT!! I Promise!!

On this edition of my 'Seeking Truth Always' Podcast, I will be sharing in DETAIL about NESARA/GESARA, QFS (Quantum Financial System) & Financial and other Updates. Some info could be very 'time-sensitive' so WATCH ASAP, SHARE, & BE PREPARED!! 🙏

In addition, I'll be sharing my thoughts/and opinion about the Indictment today against our Promises Made/Promises Kept President, Donald J. Trump. DO NOT FEAR this!! It is the way it had to be. Nothing can stop what is coming because NOTHING can or will stop GOD from eradicating the evil from our nation and the world....And, this indictment is part of GOD'S PLAN 🙏✝️

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