Energy Vampires and those leading the masses astray!

1 year ago

JFK Jr, his wife and their clan of pickmesha's.
They went into hiding to murder from the shadows.
Who knew everything about 911 and did not stop it? JFK Jr
Who benefits the most with the destruction of The Twin Towers? JFK Jr
Who murdered General Patton? JFK
Who murdered Tesla? JFK
Who murdered Timothy Donald Patton aka Donald Trump? JFK Jr
OR did he too go into witness protection???
Who thought they would get away with it and are not? JFK Jr
Who is homosexual but doesn't want the world to know? JFK Jr (accept yourself)
Who likes to cross dress and pretend to be a woman? JFK Jr
Who has a wife that prefers woman? JFK Jr
You and your reptilian family should have left me alone.
Sadly, the American people have experienced a massive MK Ultra program, conditioning and grooming you all to think that this is a "worthy" family, they are not.
POTUS presidency was a military intelligence operation to expose the swamp rats... it was never political!
Who did he have right next to him? JFK Jr's offspring ... Kayleigh and Ezra Cohen Watnick!
Who sacrificed his kids to the system? JFK Jr
They are trying to unalive me spiritually using witchcraft and energy manipulation. Death magic returns to sender as I am protected. They cursed their entire bloodline! Thank God the reptiles are defeated! No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper! God's children will WIN!

Remember the White Hats have always told us that the ending is not for everyone..

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