What are some good stretches for your lower back?

1 year ago

Relieving years of upper and lower back pain : https://healthzsa.com/my-back-pain-coach/
There are several effective stretches for your lower back that can help alleviate tension and pain. One popular stretch is the "cat-cow" stretch, where you start on your hands and knees and alternate arching your back up and down. Another stretch is the knee-to-chest stretch, where you lie on your back and bring one knee towards your chest, holding for a few seconds before switching sides. The seated spinal twist is also a great stretch, where you sit on the ground with your legs out in front of you and gently twist your torso to one side, holding for a few seconds before twisting to the other side. It's important to remember to never push past your comfort level and to stop immediately if you feel any pain.

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