How & Why I started to cross-dress: A personal Secret journey. #crossdressing

1 year ago

#tran #transgender #transgenderstory #crossdressing #cross-dress #story #hot

Ever since I was a teenager, I have been drawn to masculine qualities. Although it can be difficult to articulate, through self-reflection, I discovered that certain gestures, vocal tones, facial expressions, and behaviors were especially attractive to me. These traits seemed to conform to a specific model of masculinity, and I found myself particularly drawn to men who embodied these qualities. I observed that the men who intrigued me with their personalities often had physiques that were equally appealing. These individuals tended to be physically active and possess a tall and robust stature.

Music Credits
"Vadim Krakhmal - Journey To The Toucan Isle" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

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