Article Video - Attention All Federal Employees - Thursday, March 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Attention All Federal Employees - Thursday, March 30, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Did you know that you are being fraudulently and coercively taxed as a condition of your employment?

The rationale presented by the Municipal Corporations was that as public employees, you are receiving the "benefit" of a job funded by the public. Therefore, you ought to kickback a portion of your earnings to your "government" employer.

Except that your employer is not a government.

It's a Municipal Corporation and it's no different than any other Municipal Corporation on Earth.

This is the way it is and the way it has always been. The District of Columbia is a Municipal Corporation. The Municipality of Washington, DC is a Municipal Corporation. All the entities that you can think of --- DOD, FBI, DHS, FDA, FEMA, etc., are all Municipal Corporations operating under these umbrella corporations.

So they are NOT our government. They are subcontractors of our government.

And they are foisting off an illegal and immoral tax on your labor -- a kickback to them for the "privilege" of being employed by these criminals.

Did you know that a "Taxpayer" is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service, responsible for collecting taxes and tariffs for the British Monarch? No?

All that work you do each April, for free, taxing yourself for the "benefit" of having "federally connected income"? You are donating that to the King, as well as over a third of your earnings on average.

Yet you volunteered to act as a "Taxpayer", didn't you?

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