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Mages in Temples

1 year ago

⛪ Faith, temples, religions… What meaning do we put in these concepts? What is their impact on our life? After all, not every parishioner knows that temples are actively used by mages and sorcerers for their own purposes.

🔺 What happens on an invisible level when people gather for services in temples?
🔺 What do people ask for in their prayers and to whom are their requests for material things actually addressed?
🔺 What price does a person pay when they turn to mages for help?
🔺 Why do people mix up the concepts of spiritual work on themselves and the desire for material wealth?

⛪ Epochs are changing, but the influence of magic and magical rituals on people, including parishioners in temples, is only growing. Yet, do we understand what this leads to in the end and what the meaning and purpose of our own life is?

🌐 Learn more about the secrets of ancient and modern temples - watch the full version of the video "The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30” (Part 2):

🌐 Full version of the video "Magic in Our Life. Consciousness Games" | Kaleidoscope of Facts 17":

🌐 Video with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "About Magic":

🌍 A true history of humanity in the “Kaleidoscope of Facts” project:

📩 Email: info@allatra.tv

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