1 year ago

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE Asian food, from all countries and all regions of Asia. And one of the foods I’ve always wanted to try is Pho. Pho is a Vietnamese noodle dish known for its extremely flavorful broth that is achieved by hours of simmering exotic spices along with the bones from the protein of your choice. Well since I’ve never tasted the authentic dish - primarily because there is nowhere near me that offers it - and because some of the authentic ingredients used to make authentic pho are either not available nearby or too expensive to order online - I found this product on Amazon and noticed it had a lot of great reviews. So, I decided to try it out.

So this will be the first of more videos to come, a new feature here on All American Cooking, in which I will review food products from Amazon or other online retailers, as well as some local restaurants and breweries, as well as any restaurants I might encounter when traveling.

If you like this feature, please leave a comment and let me know what you think, and if it seems like a popular idea, I just may consider starting up a second channel that focuses solely on reviews of cooking gadgets and unusual and exotic food products found online, as well as restaurant reviews from my own area as well as other restaurants I try when traveling.

Thank you again to all my subscribers and those who support this channel. Comments, likes, shares, and of course subscribing is the best way to support this channel and my efforts to bring you great recipes, ideas, techniques, and now reviews for products you may be hesitant to buy.

And if you have tried this product -@pholicious2611 - as well as authentic pho, please comment below and tell me what you think! Thanks for watching, and Don’t Eat Boring Food!!

I found this product on Amazon - Instant Pho Beef/Chicken Combo...

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