Extortion 17 | Why the Cover-Up?! with Charles Strange, Gold Star Father

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On 6 August 2011, in Wardak Province, Afghanistan, al Qaeda insurgents perched on top of a tower with RPGs and shot down a decrepit Vietnam-era CH-47 helicopter (Extortion 17: packed with 30 Special Operations Forces (SOF); most of them part of the elite SEAL Team 6).

It was the worst loss of life in a single day since the war in Afghanistan began. Per the Obama regime, it was simply the result of a “lucky shot” by al Qaeda. Per documentation, including the 1,300-page military report, heavily redacted and suppressed by the Obama regime, this is a lie among a host of lies.

Watch to find out how our own government was complicit in the murder of SEAL Team 6.

Imagine that if your son, the world’s leading cryptologist grabbed you firmly and said, "Dad, you’ll never believe what is happening in this country", and then was killed on Extortion 17 only two months later, would you ask questions? If you found out the Taliban had been preparing for a shootdown that our intelligence knew about, and then your son died in that attack, would you be angry? What if the Pentagon was unwilling to provide you any answers? Would that stop you? What if Barack Obama himself looked at you face to face and you were escorted away from him by the secret service when you asked undesirable questions?

Charles Strange is the father of Petty Officer first class Michael Strange who hasn’t stopped asking questions and pushing the government for answers. His son Michael died on August 6th, 2011, along with 29 other Americans in a helicopter crash of call sign Extortion 17. It was the largest single loss of life to special operations forces in the history of America. His and many other Gold Star parent’s questions remain unanswered. Tonight, Charles Strange, Gold Star Father joins Jeremy Slayden to discuss Extortion 17, the Plot, the Cover-up, and What the government is trying to hide. More show notes below.

Michael Strange Foundation Website and Social Media:
Website: https://michaelstrangefoundation.org
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Buy the Book: RELENTLESS: A Gold Star Father’s Pursuit of Truth

Here are only SOME of the events and circumstances surrounding the deaths of our hero soldiers which has become known as Extortion 17. The interview itself goes much deeper. The conspiracy and cover-up will chill you to the bone:


Charles Strange was told that his son had been cremated without his permission as his son’s body had been badly burned in the helicopter crash. In asking for the official report of the night he was inadvertently sent a disk with a picture of the helicopter which was intact. And in this picture was his son’s body clearly recognizable and not burned. Charles said it also appeared he was holding his gun which breaks his heart to know he needed help and he couldn’t help him. When questioning high ranking officials they were more concerned about how he had attained the picture than answering why Michael was cremated and why they lied about their death.

The families of the fallen were told that the black box had been washed away in a flash flood.

Obama’s Rules of Engagement are a death sentence to our military and on August 6th they were unable to clear the area as his rules clearly state that our troops have to withhold from shooting until there is evidence of hostile action and fired upon.

The families were told that a drone strike would have easily taken out the Taliban so when asked why one was not used, Obama’s three-star Admiral, Robert Harward, explained with no emotion or conscience that a drone strike or similar was not used because, “we need to win their hearts and minds of our enemy.” So winning the hearts of the Taliban enemy was more important than the life of Michael Strange and his brave comrades.

SEAL Team 6, National Guard, and Army Reserve were packed into a decrepit 1960s Chinook used in Vietnam. Special operations were always conducted in MH-47 helicopter that the SEAL Team 6 exclusively trained in. And never were there that many special operations personnel packed into a single helicopter as they were always split up into small groups with multiple MH-47s. So why were they all together?

There were 100 Taliban waiting for them on the ground in a clear ambush.

Seven Afghan commandos on the flight suddenly were replaced just before takeoff and are not listed in the flight manifest. Family members have yet to receive answers as to who these people were.

Obama had an Islamic prayer said over the bodies in a ceremony in Afghanistan before they were brought home. This prayer condemns infidels to Hell.

The operation was highly unusual and suspicious. The U.S. military never sends in a reactionary force, much less a force comprised of elite units like SEAL Team 6 to apprehend Taliban fighters. When Brigadier General Jeffrey Colt was interviewed, he characterized the mission as unprecedented or extremely rare.

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