Chapter-22,LEC-5 | Uploading and Deleting Values | #ethicalhacking #cybersport

1 year ago

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An ethical hacking course should cover the topic of updating and deleting values in a database or system as part of its curriculum. Updating and deleting values can be ethical or unethical depending on the context and the intentions behind the action.

In an ethical hacking course, students should learn about the importance of obtaining proper authorization before updating or deleting values, and the potential consequences of unauthorized or malicious changes. The course should also cover the legal and ethical considerations around these actions, as well as the potential impact on the system or database being modified.

Furthermore, the course should emphasize the importance of respecting user privacy and data protection laws when handling sensitive information during updates or deletions. This includes ensuring that any personal or confidential data is securely stored and disposed of appropriately.

Overall, the ethical hacking course should provide students with a thorough understanding of the ethical and legal implications of updating and deleting values in a system or database, and how to perform these actions in a responsible and ethical manner.

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