Midweek Message || 3/29/23

1 year ago

Welcome to Landmark Church! 👋

We want you to know that Jesus loves you and that you are welcome here just as you are ❤️

DATE || 3/29/2023

MESSAGE || "A Wise Investment"🦉✟

SERIES || Joyride - A Journey into the Philippians (Week 9 of 9)

SPEAKER || Guy Fox - Landmark Lead Pastor


Philippians 4:14-20
Matt. 25:31-45

The Benefits of Giving:

* Giving allows NEEDS to be met. (v. 16)
* Giving is WORSHIP. (v. 18)
* Giving draws you CLOSER to God. (v. 17)
* Giving opens you up to GOD’S BLESSING. (v. 19)

“To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever.  Amen.”

#ajourneyintothephilippians #awiseinvestment #landmarkchurch

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