Goddess Collective: Ascension Confessions~Matrix Stargates Are Opening!

1 year ago

This is the very FIRST Goddess Collective #GoddessGang Vlog. Exciting right? Watch me drop my keyboard, almost spit my coffee out laughing at myself and my dog jump in the frame and knock the entire studio over. In between I discuss 3 monumental clairevoyant and psychic occurrences that made me aware of some of my Superpowers. The awkwardness of a regular and reluctant G.irl #GoddessInRealLife and the journey toward embracing all of me and going public. Let me know what you think, and ask me anything... I have topics planned for the next shows and can take some requests, and questions if you have them. We will eventually have guests when I learn how to operate all the software. Also, I will roll out classes for adepts and clairvoyants this year... as well as a Divine Feminine support and resource area. Oh! and a book. There's a lot coming through, the Srargates are opening and we are promoting. Congratulations to all in this GRADUATING CLASS!

In a future I will explain why I appear psychic - the truth is I decode Matrix. I believe everyone can see the infrastructure and everyone can help break it. I will also discuss what "Stargates" really are in more depth. I will also explain what Plan.ETs are. And I do suggest that if any of this interests you - you take the journey through reading my 1st book which is the only reason I decided to publish video ~ so you know I AM REAL and do not reject informationation simply bc you don't see me. (For the people of this world seeing is believing...that too is backwards!)

Finally- I do not consider myself Religious, New Age, Esoteric, Occult, Psychic, Claires, Astrologist etc - I am an AUTHOR and RESEARCHER. I am a Teacher and a learner. Professionally I have 3 degrees and a trade license. My favorite job was in Banking training underwriters. I have both sides of my brain on and a lie detector within. I don't practice lies, which is why you will see me change my language when I learn that I was lied to. I will expose liars and gatekeepers in the spiritual community - and in any of the sociopolitical systems. I am studying what that is to help me with the language to describe to you what my own experiences have been. The learning tools I use are to help describe MY TRUE EXPERIENCE whether it is IN the Matrix or out. Because there really is no language for this life and if there were it would not be "King's English" which obviously is not my Mother Tongue.

I am sharing because most of what I hear the above communities discuss resonates as fabricated lies and it seems there is a PsyOp to funnel these liars in and position them before any of us can share the truths. I want you to be careful out there - because their entire position is to undo a sacred connection you have to LIFE that is real(<<notice that combination in the last 2 words)

Finally, I love language and I believe it is ENGLISH that is Anglo'd just perfectly to hold us in this Matrix. It is the language/tongue of Angels and Dimens-ions. And we will break that on down as well. For now I am just saying hi and introducing myself, hope to add some color to the conversation.

I have a Dark Sense of Humor - so if you don't have that switch turned on - do not follow me. I can laugh about ANYTHING Here because thats what I do when I am looking a demon straight in the eye. I laugh. Not the nervous laugh - the laugh that lets them know I plan to hunt them eternally... even if they live in a little fake rubix cube matrix. I will come TO the Matrix and END YOU DEMONS!

#FreeThePeople #SaviorSelves #GoddessWithin #ProtectorOfDivineFeminineENERGY

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