War Watch: Russia-Ukraine

1 year ago



#Atheism #ShroudOfTurin #NateCunninghan #ChristianityDebunked #Israel #IDF #JewishHolocaust #SecularZionism #AllGodsAreImaginary #Arianism #JesusIsAMyth #OtangeloGrasso #DarthDawkins #JackAngstreich #RitualGenitalMutilation

We discuss a broad range of topics, most of which have strong opponents and proponents.

Takeaways: debates, feuds, venom, chuckles, parody, satire, reaction, review, education, strong atheism.

​If we were all atheists, then we would be better off as a society.
Why? Because all religious violence would immediately cease.

Sidney Winston's Axioms:
-All gods are imaginary.
-Human evolution is proven science.
-The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth are more relevant than the Ten Commandments of Christianity.

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By Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=84780636

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