Ex-Detective Exposes Satanic Ritual Abuse | Jon Wedger | Part 2

4 years ago

RAISING THE BAR #24 | Ex-Detective Exposes Satanic Ritual Abuse | Jon Wedger | Part 2

Courageous ex-Scotland Yard Detective blows the whistle on satanic ritual abuse, which involves the raping, torturing and murdering of children, going all the way up to government level and the royal family.  Jon details the entire SRA network; from the children (known as the "diamonds") to the "spotters" (kidnappers), to the "fixers" - those that procure the children and set up the events, to the "cleaners" who forensically remove any incriminating evidence, to the "bloods" - the ritual abusers at the government level, all the way up to royalty.

0:00:50 - Introduction to Part 2: Satanic Ritual Abuse
5:20 - SRA as a trauma based mind control
7:20 - The fragmenting of the mind to create multiple personalities (alter-aliases)
9:13 - "Panda" the alias character was created to give her a super power when protecting herself
13:33 - MK Ultra - a Nazi-produced mind control program
14:30 - Power comes with Corruption
16:10 - Satanic Ritual Abuse runs covertly in the underground. Ian Watkins (Lost Prophets lead singer convicted of raping babies)
18:10 - Exposing 'Dolphin Square' as a renowned SRA location. Why were the police covering it up
19:30 - The RAINS list - a 16 page document containing names of high profile offenders
20:58 - Lots of hints of paedophilia within music videos (Do you really want to hurt me) with Judges, police and celebrities involved
22:40 - The authorities already knew about SRA! (12 convictions in crown courts in UK linked to SRA) But you see the same pattern of cover ups within the different police branches
26:18 - The Faustian Bargain of selling soul for instant rewards. (Baal, is bull worship)
32:49 - Was Michael Jackson outing it all?
35:05 - Tattooing is self-harming. ("I will hurt myself more than you can hurt me")
36:20 - How do we know we are not unwittingly being drawn to the dark side, simply by using modern language, symbols, sigils, and using devices that may have come from slavery etc?
40:40 - People that speak out get demonised. End times: "Good will be bad and good will be seen as bad
41:00 - In 2003 they brought out law to allow past history and convictions to be brought up in court cases which dismisses their credibility
44:25 - Satanic Ritual Abuse victim tells Jon what went on as a child.
47:14 - Is there a link between Freemasonry and Satanism?
51:40 - Jon shows how the SRA/paedophile pyramid network works all the way up to Royalty
1:12:12 - Jon shows P.I.E - a group of paedophiles in 70's lobbied to get age of consent reduced. to under 8. Politicians were involved in this group. Had backing of Labour party and protection & funding from MET police
1:16:30 - Operaton Connifer - Chief Constable Mike Veale set up an inquiry to investigate Ted Heath and expose paedophilia at high office in UK.
1:17:44 - Jon exposes abhorrences in society but gets trolled. Whereas people like Madonna promotes sexuality of children and they're loved by people
1:23:00 - RAINS list - showing all the names of high profile paedophiles
1:25:08 - Jon's opinion on Pizzagate (use code words for children)
1:26:00 - President of Philippines - calls out pope and his priests for raping him as a child
1:27:40 - Jon spoke to commissioner of MET police - and exposed the negligence of child exploitation.
1:30:20 - Jon spoke to Cardinal in charge of Catholic church - and he blamed the victims of rape as ruining Ted Heath's reputation!
1:31:50 - How do people report this if the whole system is so corrupt?
1:36:40 - Freedom of Information document showing all the cases involving satanism from every police constabulary in country, by county.
1:38:30 - Jon now incredibly active in campaigning against dark forces permeating our institutions
1:41:07 - Thoughts on Madeline McCann
1:44:30 - Jon not backing down, as fear is nowhere near as much as the child victims

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