America Sucks balls, Mystery Babylon. Is the USA.

1 year ago

The United States Of America is falling apart they are at War with the World no one likes them no one trusts them we will make a list and check it twice, we will find out whos been naughty or nice.

The American Idiot is lazy, dumb, and on drugs school, in America is a joke. He or she are for sure, blind, chaotic, fools. If you have ever watched the Movie Idiocracy that's really close to what's happening here. They play video games and listen to Hate Rap. N this N that all the songs they don't call Hollywood is Witchcraft. And Propaganda

Google is an enemy of the World and that is a fact.

No intelligent Human being trust America's policies or laws.
corruption runs deep in Washington Dc as they look out their window they have a homeless camp right in front of the White House.

Military bases are empty no one wants to join the Klingers military it is a great place to be raped or sodomized it's similar to prison life.

General Mark Milley is retiring goodbye. warmonger he doesn't understand white rage so he joined the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Free speech is totally gone the stupid sheep in Washihton are totally clueless all of them suck dirty socks.

We now have Drag queen preachers at our Christian Churches.

Who is NATO they are the new liberal World order crumbling in defeat their stockpiles of weapon and ammunition is fading away and have no way to protect their own people who by the way are starving to death.

The United States of America has a homeless person every 300 feet they live in tents and cars. America does not care about its own people, why would you think they are coming to save you?

The United States of America is the Gay Police for the World they will pay to mutilate your genitals and breast. and wants you to have an abortion they call it health care healthcare for who? the babies have aborted 80 million babies here in a short time frame even in some cases after the child was alive. In the name of Climate Change because the world is 1 degree higher oh my that's stupid did you know the Great barrier reef is growing at an expedient rate did you know that climate change is normal?

After the Ukraine war, what comes next? NATO allies won't agree
they blew up Nord Stream II and that was life to The US Allies.
they will freeze to death, they have no hot water, and they can't
wash their clothes Protest everywhere stop NATO.
The United States ripped off Europe on overpriced natural gas.
After blowing up the pipeline and Germany and many others are poised off.

BRICS Expansion: Five New Members in 2023?
Following Russia's announcement of Iran's & Argentina's BRICS membership bids, the alliance president reveals that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, a NATO member, have the same plans

A new world order. BRICS nations offer an alternative to the West
by Astrid Prange 03/27/2023 Predictions about the BRICS countries as the fastest-growing economies haven't quite panned out. Instead, the alliance is now offering a diplomatic forum and development financing, outside of the Western mainstream.

Exclusive: Biden says to do it or else the USA plans ultimatum in Mexico energy dispute, raising the threat of tariffs 3/27/2023

The BRICS bank is open to new members. In 2021, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, and Bangladesh took up shares. However, these were much lower than the respective $10 billion investments made by the bank's founding members.

ASEAN looking to Dump the Dollar and Euro Southeast Asian Nations, looking to Dump the Dollar & Euro 3/28/2023

King Bibi Netanyahu tells Biden to stay out of Israel's business. Israel will not tolerate meddling in its internal affairs. 3/29/2023

A currency collapse is when a country's currency loses all its value and becomes practically worthless in day-to-day use
This is generally a result of political or economic upheaval, hyperinflation, or war 3/29/2023

With the African country taking over the chairship, “2023 looks set to be the BRICS bloc’s most impactful year within the global economic and geopolitical landscape”, as observed by some international commentators. 3/30/2023

The latest leader to cut Taiwan ties heads to China
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Enemies list: BRICS 2023
United Arab Emirates
North Korea
South Africa

The United States of Americas allies with NATO
The new Nazi Tyranical immoral sodomites.
They now are having sex with animals in Europe.
I am thinking that's not safe. What goals do NATO
countries have planned? The answer is you are
not too big to fail. Big Pharma just poisoned billions of humans with their vaccine that they themselves say was not tested and does not protect you from catching a plague that they themselves set free and made special for you.

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