UK COLUMN NEWS - Wednesday 29th March 2023. (Full Edition).

1 year ago

UK Column News - 29th March 2023

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans with Wednesday’s UK Column News.
Duration - 1hr 26mins
Running Order below--

00:29 UK Artificial Intelligence Enabling Regulation: Clear the Decks for the Unfeeling Mind with No Will
07:38 Society 5.0: "New wisdom"
28:15 Tenth Day of Mass French Protests; Dutch Farmers' Situation Unresolved
39:04 Viewers' Heartening E-mails
42:50 Ukraine: “Send in Another Hollywood Role Model!”
57:43 US Attacked in Syria—But There Are "No US Forces in Syria", Apparently
1:01:26 Global Defence Union: Britannia the Defence Fairy
1:06:08 What Happened To Covid?
1:11:01 NHS Staffing Collapse
1:19:06 And Finally: The Lady Doth Protest Too Much—Debi Finally Gets a Non-Denial From Cornwall Council

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