Twenty-Four Hours A Day Book Daily Reading – April 8 - A.A. - Serenity Prayer & Meditation

1 year ago

Alcoholics Anonymous – “April 8” - Daily Reading from the Twenty-Four Hours A Day Book - Serenity Prayer & Meditation

24-hours a Day Book – Link to buy

April 8
Thought for the Day
Second, alcoholics recover their faith in a Power greater than themselves.
They admit that they're helpless by themselves and they call on that Higher Power for help.
They surrender their lives to God, as they understand Him.
They put their drink problem in God's hands and leave it there.
They recover their faith in a Higher Power that can help them.
Have I recovered my faith?

Meditation for the Day
You must make a stand for God.
Believers in God are considered by some as peculiar people.
You must even be willing to be deemed a fool for the sake of your faith.
You must be ready to stand aside and let the fashions and customs of the world go by, when God's purposes are thereby forwarded. Be known by the marks that distinguish a believer in God.
These are honesty, purity, unselfishness, love, gratitude, and humility.

Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may be ready to profess my belief in God before others.
I pray that I may not be turned aside by the skepticism and cynicism of unbelievers.

Big Book

AA 12 Steps & 12 Traditions

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Playlist for the AA Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions ↙️

Playlist for Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book First 164 Pages ↙️

Playlist for Hazelden's 24-Hours a Day book ↙️

The Life-Changing Twelve Step Solution to Alcoholism

If you or someone you care about is suffering from addiction, there is help available.

Are you trying to stop drinking?

Do you think you may be an alcoholic?

Alcoholics Anonymous has been successful in saving millions of lives and families.

These videos can be you’re A.A. meeting if you can’t get to one today.

Local meetings can be found online.

Reach out if you would like assistance.

Spiritual principles helping to live your best life without alcohol and drugs.

Recovery from unhealthy habits and creating solutions for a long happy and useful life.

Alcoholism doesn't have to be a death sentence.

Addiction can be fixed.

Interventions and sober coaching

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