1 year ago

U B Ready (Prayer Requests/Correspondence)
PO Box 579
Rutland, VT  05709 

U B Ready


Ezekiel 9:9

Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not. 


During prayer today, I had a vision from the Lord.  I saw two very large hands and arms from the elbows down.  The arms were held out forward, and the hands were held out and cupped close together touching each other with the palms facing upward.  The hands were holding the Earth, and it had such a beautiful blue appearance and seemed to be very serene and peaceful. 

Then suddenly, I saw the Earth instantly covered in what looked like a thick, dark, dense, black smoke or fog-like substance that was not able to be seen through.  I could no longer see any of the beautiful blue color, it was now all black. 

I then began to see red spots appearing throughout the black substance in all different places.  More and more of the red spots began to appear, and they were also growing larger and spreading in size.  As I watched, the Earth soon became completely covered in red, and I could no longer see any more of the black substance, now only red.  This red substance looked like a thick liquid, and as it continued to grow and spread, it began to run into the hands that were holding the Earth.  Soon the red substance spread from the hands up the arms and covered them as well.  As I watched, both the hands and the arms were now covered and began dripping with the red substance.  Then the vision ended.  The Lord then spoke these words to me.

The Earth is full of violence, just as the DAYS OF NOAH were.  I AM BRINGING DARKNESS AND THEN WAR. 

The RED you saw was the Earth expelling all of the BLOOD absorbed into the ground.  I AM bringing My judgments to judge the Earth and the nations. 

My son, the blood will flow - unlike it ever has.  Many weapons of WAR will be used.  The Earth will ROCK to and fro like a DRUNKARD from bombs hitting their targets, to the earthquakes resulting from all of the explosions.

The perverse sin and degradation of this nation requires a HARD HAND, and I AM bringing it.  The wanton disregard of life by allowing legalized drugs and starting unjust wars just to take the spoils. 

America, you are judged guilty, and the penalty is death.  This world has been bloodied worse by this nation than any other.  A nation in perpetual war and internal chaos.  A nation where every sin is exported to the world - drugs, pornography, war, and every deviant sex sin and trafficking.  A nation where every abominable idol dwells.  A LAND OF BLOOD. 

My son, I say, shout REPENT NOW! but sadly most will not.  I say, shout TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS! but sadly most will not.  REPENTANCE is far from their lips, and My judgment is just. 

America will burn in one hour.  All the merchants will mourn because there will be no one to buy their products.  Mystery Babylon America will be a place of desolation and of burning. 


This is a BLOODY WORLD, and soon I will return and make all things new. 

I love you, My children. 
Lord Jesus 

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