Bill Cooper on the deep state's never ending quest to disarm the people,

1 year ago

Bill Cooper on the deep state's never ending quest to disarm the people, Waco, and the Hegelian principle at work:
They have to keep the momentum going. The agenda is gun control. To disarm all Americans. You watch this gun control pick up momentum like its never had before in history...
Don't you get it?
They only care about their agenda. Their agenda is to enslave the population of the world in a totalitarian socialist world government.
The only reason that the founding fathers gave us the second amendment was to protect us from the government not to hunt..But to defend ourselves against the old tyranny from which they escaped in the old world. The tyranny of kings, monarchs and dictators...
Tragedy fueled push for more gun control is based on a lie.
The truth is that despite the second amendment guns are less accessible today than at any time in American history."

"What you are seeing all around is the old Hegelian principle at work. Thesis, anti thesis, synthesis. First you create or call attention to a problem. Then you generate hysteria about it. And then you offer a solution. And then propose as a solution restrictions on the right of all Americans to acquire and own firearms.
Better to be free in a society with risks then a safe slave in a dictatorship."

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