MR. NON-PC - 99% That Caters To That 1%

1 year ago

I'm sure everyone at some point has heard the old saying "Majority Rules" well those days are longgggg goneeeeee haha!

And what do we have nowadays here in the fallen United States of America? We have a fraction of the minority (maybe less that 1% at best with some fringe groups) that rule over the 99% of the entire population.

And funny how lame things like the LGBTQ, fake racism and whatever other fringe social group or issue steamrolls over the entire population and the Satanic U.S Government actually facilitates this dystopia.

The U.S has turned into "Sodom and Go-Marxist" and the beta boys have allowed themselves to be ruled by a bunch of angry fat feminists for the most part.

This needs to end...and it ends when we say NO!

It starts and ends when we say NO...and when we stop patronizing their companies and businesses as well....screw them.

Say NO to their B.S and cut them off financially...that is how the 1% will cater to the 99%

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