Alex Jones: Somebody's Gotta Stand up to these Psychotics

1 year ago

Alex Jones, the man who told us all this was coming 20 years ago and has remained true through the most trying of times against the greatest adversary, resolves to lay down his life in the fight against global tyranny.

#greatreawakening, #spiritualawakening, #awake, #nwo, #illuminati, #globalism, #wef, #greatreset, #agenda21, #agenda2030, #depopulation, #populationcontrol, #alexwasright, #eugenics, #pedogate, #saveourchildren, #media, #psyop, #brainwashing, #mkultra, #mindcontrol, #indoctrination, #socialconditioning, #covid, #plandemic, #scamdemic, #pharmakeia, #vaxx, #jab, #mRNA, #killshot, #billgates, #fauci, #rockefeller, #johnshopkins, #pfizer, #moderna, #medicaltyranny, #wwiii,

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