Arizona Voter Fraud Reveals Our Government Is Far More Corrupt Than We Realize

1 year ago

In 1989, the Sinaloa Cartel dug its first drug tunnel between a house in Agua Prieta, Sonora to a warehouse located in Douglas, Arizona. Now, thirty four years later, new evidence reveals that the Mexican drug Cartels have burrowed their way into American Government.

Arizona based Forensic investigator Jacqueline Breger added another layer to the sovereign dismantling corruption narrative after appearing in front of the Arizona Legislature’s Senate Elections Committee and House Municipal Oversight & Elections Committee. Spotlighting testimony from voter disenfranchisement researchers concerning the 2020 and 2022 elections.

Breger claimed that while investigating a nationwide racketeering epidemic involving the Sinaloa Cartel, their team accidentally discovered election fraud.

Breger's testimony courageously accused state and county officials, including Governor Katie Hobbs and Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, of being parties to a racketeering web involving a Real Estate money laundering operation infiltrating all levels of government in order to trade influence to the Sinaloa Cartel for control over elections and anyone that stood in their way.

The revelations that are just beginning to surface beg the question, how far up the government ladder does this corruption lead? As Merrick Garland's testimony on fentanyl and the open border provides no solutions or an end in sight. Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas is absolutely purposefully useless. And the most compromised President in U.S. history openly displays cold apathy for the unyielding deaths of Americans due to fentanyl flooding our cities.

What motivates these people with the power to fix everything to not only ignore the crisis but contribute to its growth? UN Agenda 2030? Foreign blackmail? Or in addition to these motives do we now add the infiltration of our unconstrained pauper to millionaire representative Government. Held hostage by drug Cartels with more infinite laundered cash than these look the other way politicians and sycophantic federal bureaucracies can resist?

Contrary to popular belief. The cartels aren't merely operating from across our non existent border. They are dug in, thriving right here in the United States through corrupt and treasonous local, state, and federal officials. Feeding on the metastasizing malfeasance rampant within our broken Republic.

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