Celebrating Easter? Nimrod, Ishtar, & Tammuz. Pagan Roots.

1 year ago

So many believers are celebrating holidays without understanding where they originated and Yahweh warns the believers to not have any part in these things yet they refuse to listen or make excuses how their different. Did you know that Easter is a day where the queen of heaven Ishtar would have huge love feasts impregnating women only to sacrifice them 9 months later on December 25th on Nimrods birthday? Did you know that The Messiah wasn’t even born in the month of December? Did you know that He was dead for 3 days and 3 nights? That alone should wake you up as to none of these holidays have anything to do with our Messiah or Yahweh’s feast days. We’re supposed to be celebrating Passover not Ishtar but the sad part is people will ignore this warning and keep doing the very thing Yahweh says He hates. We pray that this will open up your eyes and minds to the truth so you’ll turn away from sinful worship of idols and remember that Yeshua addresses the 7 churches about this very problem. Yah bless!

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