March 29, 2023

1 year ago

🚨 Attention business owners! 🚨

Are you displaying your social media icons at the very top of your website header? 🤔

If so, you might want to reconsider! 🙅‍♀️

While it's important to have social media links readily available for your visitors, placing them at the top of your website can actually drive people away from your site before they even have a chance to explore 😱

Instead, try moving your social media icons to a more discreet location on your website, such as the footer or sidebar!

This way, visitors will have the opportunity to fully engage with your content before being led away to your social media pages 🙌

Remember, your website is your home base, so make sure visitors have a chance to fully experience it before sending them off to your social media profiles 👀

#websitetips #socialmediastrategy #onlinemarketing

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