What is Truth? part 1

1 year ago

Truth today is an evolved term that doesn't actually have that much connection to what is actually true. In this first part I look at Jimmy Dore promoting the notorious Jeffrey Sachs as a truth-teller, while they frame a false paradigm of massive black (African-American people of color) incarceration being caused by "white supremacist" racism, with no mention of any other factors that likely explain the very high level of US incarceration overall, including perhaps most importantly neoliberalism - something that Sachs was very involved in promoting worldwide.

The remaining part of this series will focus on a recent interview of James Corbett framed around 9/11 Truth (and false flags), which explores what Truth means in the context of alternative thinking and will attempt to explain it basically in terms of science vs religion - is Truth really an evidence-based exploration of reality, or is it a matter of faith which provides answers that emotionally satisfy preexisting desires and vacuums of understanding? Or is it, circling back to neoliberalism, simply a matter of what sells?

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