Daily Chess play - 1303 - Game 3 gets me again

1 year ago

First game, Was up two pawns by move 16. Pinned his Bishop on f5, move 40. Opponent resigns.

Second game, I lose my Knight for free on c6, move 15. I was able to pin and take his Bishop on b2. Pinned his Knight on Rook by moving to d5, move 37. this allowed me to move freely and take Knight on d6 for pawn. Opponent resigns as he hangs his Rook on f7.

Third game, I mess up by not seeing Queen take pawn on d5, move 17. I also miss the fact that I can't move my Bishop on c3 otherwise I lose my Queen XD. I get checkmated soon after.

Game 3 gets me again today =). Thanks for watching. Please Like and Subscribe.

#chess #endlessgaming #daily #learning #fork #trade #checkmate #queen #mistakes#blunder #win #errors #hang

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