Where Do Negative Emotions Come From?

1 year ago

The outside world is just a mirror of your current beliefs.

The main reason we experience so much discomfort from negative emotions is because we are the ones keeping these emotions alive in our bodies. We are giving them power by what we believe.

The more that I've worked with clients, the more I've come to realize that all emotions come from our definitions and ideas of what we believe to be true.

Our beliefs create our feelings, which then create our experiences and the stories we tell ourselves. The process works like this:

1. We believe something.
2. Then we have certain feelings.
3. Because of that we have experiences (and stories we tell ourselves).

Whatever feelings you are having right now are a result of certain ideas you believe and hold to be true. You would not feel the way you do if you didn't believe what you do. It has absolutely nothing to do with what is happening on the outside of you. The outside world is just a mirror of your current beliefs.

Your beliefs are key. When you get really clear on what it is you believe, and you realize that it doesn't really make sense to believe what you do, then you'll drop the belief.

And when you drop the belief, it's gone for good, which means you can now move on with your life with a new experience.

What's interesting is that our entire lives, we're going around listening to the people around us and believing what other people are telling us.

We did it when we were young. We did it when we were small because our teachers, our parents, we believed them implicitly, and some of those beliefs really limit what is possible for our lives and the experience we want to create for ourselves.

I hope you enjoy this update,


++ Client Testimonial ++

"I am speechless. I've been doing therapy for so long, I didn't think this was ever going to shift. But when we did the energy clearing work, I saw my past experiences completely differently, and I felt this level of freedom I didn't know I was going to feel." ~ Lauren Tucker

If you'd like to Clear Your Energy Blocks, you can book a call with me here: https://go.oncehub.com/EnergyClearingSession

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+++ My Book is Now Live on Amazon +++

7 Day Manifestation Experiment - How You Can Create the Life of Your Dreams.

Amazon: https://lnkd.in/gBYErwAe
Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/7-day-manifestation-experiment-steve-martile/1142711103?ean=9780991782000

I've also put Audible samples of each chapter on Youtube so that you can listen to them here for FREE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt2IMwX519sU-1LOHbN81YNZnfZSnov-M

Here's the book outline:

✅ Introduction
✅ Chapter No.1 What Super Nintendo Taught Me About Manifesting
✅ Chapter No.2 Everything is Energy
✅ Chapter No.3 Manifesting, Where to Start?
✅ Chapter No.4 Using Intentions to Shift Your Life
✅ Chapter No.5 When Manifesting Doesn’t Work
✅ Chapter No.6 Allow Things to Come to You
✅ Chapter No.7 Acknowledge Yourself as the Creator
✅ Chapter No.8 The New Human

I hope you enjoy the book :)


Where do Negative Emotions Come From?

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