Poland is definitely trying to get a part of Ukraine

1 year ago

Poland is definitely trying to get a part of Ukraine. The Polish premier just visited Romania yesterday and said he wants to create an Axis Poland Ukraine Romania and this will be primarly military. The immediat objective is a transcarpathian road connecting Poland and Romania. Why? Because that would give Poland an excuse to move troops from Poland to Romania. He also said that already Poland and Romanian troops are stationed on each others countries (which is true) and that the collaboration between the two countries is good. The Polish president also said that the EU screwed both countries and that a new alliance in the region needs to be formed. He actually said those things in Romania yesterday. He said Poland and Romania have a good collaboration with USA and are the strongest allies of USA in Europe, suggesting that he wants USA to primarly deal with Poland when dealing with Europe and Romania would be an ally of Poland and an equal partener.
Of course, since Romania has no influence in the Lviv area nor does it want to. And of course the Polish government would have no problem with Romania gaining Bucovina like its shown in this presentation, also giving Hungary a piece of the land just to shut up, even if Hungary is more pro peace. To Polish leaders this wouldnt matter too much since Poland would get a huge area anyway. Suffice to say this plan of Poland is not wanted in Bucharest or Romania because it would open the door to all sorts of Revisionist ideas in the region which eventually would not be good for anyone. The Polish plan is not stability and either way Ukraine would not agree with this plan. Probably the Polish government things Ukraine would be so beaten down they wouldnt mind giving up some teritory also so to say pleasing Russia. There is another problem with this map and ideea. In this plan Russia would have borders with Romania which is something Romania does not want at all. No one wants to have borders with Russia and especially countries like Romania. Sure the plan could be for Russia to have what they already do now which is up to Crimea but thats not a good ideea also since it creates instability in the Black Sea. So the Polish plan will ultimately fail and the Polish premier wasnt straight up refused in Romania yesterday but certainly his ideas were rejected.

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