Battle of of the 16 bit Sega Genesis Clones: AtGames Sega Genesis Flashback HD Vs Hyperkin Retron 5

7 years ago

In this video we see what Sega Genesis clone is the king of the mountain between the AtGames Sega Genesis Flashback HD and Hyperkin Retron 5

A wise man once said "Controversy creates cash", and both Hyperkin and Atgames are no strangers to controversy. Both have a bit of a checkered past, Hyperkin with questions surrounding the source code for the Retron 5 and Atgames with quality questions popping up with previous consoles over the years. Both companies do have something going for them as they offer Genesis game play via cartridges over HDMI.

Both systems run on a skinned version of Android and require you to dump the ROMs of the games from the cartridges into local memory. The Atgames system requires you to power-cycle the console to change games while the Retron 5 allows you to hot-swap cartridges instead, making it a bit easier to change from one game to another. Both systems come with wireless controllers, the Retron 5 with one and the Atgames Genesis with 2. The Retron 5 controller has been universally (and deservedly) panned for poor ergonomics and a micro-switch d-pad, where the Atgames controllers aren't bad at all.

For our test we are going to compare the video and audio quality of these two systems head-to-head with two of the most common and popular Genesis games of all time; the Original Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. But to up the ante we've also hooked up a Model 1 Genesis using an AV2HDMI adapters that converts the inputs from RCA-jacks to HDMI.

In the end the Retron 5 looked and sounded better when playing Genesis games. The Atgames Flashback just didn't deliver when it came to the deep, rich sound that the Genesis was known for. Additionally graphically the Retron 5 was also superior. Now keep in mind that the Retron 5 also costs nearly twice the price, but then again it can pay more systems than the Atgames Genesis.

Neither system is perfect, there's no doubt about that. We're also eagerly awaiting the release of the Retro-Bit Super Retro Trio+ to see how that system stacks up. But right now the difference in-terms of audio and video is in the favor of the Retron 5.

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