Is Buying and Selling a House at the Same Time a Bad Idea?

1 year ago

Chris at Hauseit® ( goes over the question: Is buying and selling a house at the same time a bad idea?

Save money when buying, selling and renting real estate in New York and Florida with Hauseit. Available in NYC, Long Island, the Hudson Valley and South Florida. Established 2014.
Yes. It's generally a bad idea to try to time two transactions (a sale & a purchase) at the same time, or to try too hard to line things up perfectly.

Transactions are stressful to begin with, and timing is highly uncertain and can change for any single transaction.

The last thing you want is to have the stress of 2 transactions to worry about. There's a high likelihood that timing won't work out as you wished.

The best bet is to be flexible if your financial circumstances allow!

We explore this mystery and explain further in the following video.
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