Unboxing the Old Skool Classiq 2 720P HD 8-bit NES, Super NES & Super Famicom 16-bit Clone System

7 years ago

In this video we take a look inside the box of the Old Skool NES, Super NES and Super Famicom-compatible HD video game system.

Thanks to Live Action Games in Champaign, IL for providing the Classiq 2 for this unboxing and review. Please give them a like and a thanks on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LAG217/

I LOVE clone consoles, being able to play my old games on fresh hardware is just an amazingly rewarding feeling. A new company called Old Skool announced a new entry into the arena in 2017 called the Classiq 2 HD and this is a system that definitely caught my eye for a number of reasons. One of which is the new manufacturer, of course, but also the fact that the Classiq 2 plays both Super NES and NES games in 720 HD. OK, now you have my attention.

The Classiq 2 comes out of the box with the console itself, a Super NES/Super Famicom style controller and a dog bone style controller for the NES, but it is in the SNES purple and grey vs the NES red and grey. Both controllers feature a 6-foot long controller cable and the plug for their corresponding system. Interesting that the Classiq2 comes with 2 controllers but instead of 2 SNES-controllers which could play both SNES and NES games. It's an interesting play, for sure.

The Classiq 2 has some interesting features on it, including an NTSC and PAL switch. Being compatible with both SNES and NES cartridges this also opens the door to expanding your library if you've ever thought about collecting PAL games. Sure, other systems have offered this but this is the first 2-in-1 system I've seen that does this, it's a nice touch.

Power is thankfully provided by a MIcro-USB cable, eliminating any sort of proprietary power cord. I am really not a fan of anything but Micro-USB at this point. A 2-amp output power supply is included, that's pretty big for a clone console! Finally an included HDMI cable is provided to help you get everything hooked up quickly and easily.

Build quality seems ok, not great. I was a bit disappointed in how the flap on the SNES port stuck right out of the box. I mean how does something like that happen? The cartridge ports were tight initially but quickly freed up. On the Super NES side of the Classiq 2 I was able to fit Super Famicom cartridges in the system, a definite plus sign for the system. Famicom games, however, do not fit without a separate adapter. Yes, we have that adapter and we will be testing it in our upcoming review. The SNES controller felt pretty solid but I'm not liking the Super Famicom-style convex buttons for all-four A/B/X/Y buttons; if they were going to do that I'd rather they then match the Super Famicom Button color too. The NES controller feels decent if not a little light and, well, cheap. I will have to see how these controllers feel after extended play sessions.

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